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Co-Op Classics Video Edition: Alien Storm and Wonder Boy 3
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Co-Op Classics Video Edition: Alien Storm and Wonder Boy 3

Once more, we take a look back at some co-op gems from the past. Both of today's video offerings are Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive, the international equivalent) games. My own experience with the Genesis was quite limited, so both of these were new to me. Step back into the 16-bit era as we investigate sci-fi brawler Alien Storm and platform/shmup hybrid Wonder Boy 3.

Alien Storm

The title for this one is about as generic as it gets, but I was pleasantly surprised by the experience. The story is about what you'd expect; there are aliens, and they are storming the earth. These aliens have a lot of personality, though, disguising themselves as trash cans at times, otherwise looking generally creepy. Pseudo-lightgun scenes and side scrolling sections add a nice variety. I was quite impressed with Alien Storm after only a few minutes of playing.


