Event | 11/30/2008 at 7:43 PM

Xbox Live Co-Op Night for December: Call of Duty World at War

Are you ready to head back to World War II in the Call of Duty universe?  Join us on December 11th on Xbox Live for Co-Op night!  World at War is the first Call of Duty title to feature cooperative play, and we certainly hope it's not the last.

The game features four player cooperative play in both the campaign and zombie survival modes.  We wrote our review a few weeks back and gave them game some pretty high remarks.

The Co-Op Experience: The co-op campaign allows players to rank up and unlock perks in competitive multiplayer by completing challenges and earning experience points, adding continuous re-playability and team-based gameplay.

After completing single player you unlock a 4 player survival mode with Nazi zombies. Players are required to hold a structure by buying weapons, ammo, and fortifying the structure.

How do you join?

To join in on the festivites simply sign into Xbox Live and use the built in matchmaking features to look for co-op players.  You can also send a friend request to gamertag co optimus.

Be on the lookout on the New Xbox Experience events channel for more details on co-op night!


We're broadcasting live.  Join us here!

Interesting Articles about Call of Duty: World at War

Co-Op Review Zombie Mode Trailer Achievements Co-Op Impressions Co-Op Trailer