It’s already a month in to the New Year, and a lot of us have been working on our backlog of games - especially from our awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Yule gifts. What we want to know in this months blog topic is: What are you playing from last year or earlier, and why? How are you prioritizing your games to be played? What games have been pushed aside for so long you wonder why you even still have them?
Just a few options for the topic:
What game from your past has been permanently unfinished, and why do you think that is? What would you improve on a certain game from last year or earlier, and why? What game have you wanted for ages but never had in your possession?Be creative! You can take any of these options and manipulate them to match your blog topic. Here’s what you do for Co-optimus Community Voice:
Head to our Blogs section and start a new blog. Title the blog: “CCV: My Backlog, Let Me Show You It.”
Write a blog about any of the above mentioned topics, or make up your own - just make sure it has something to do with a backlog of games (Games from last year or before). Extra points for mentioning co-op.
On Friday Evening I’ll be making a news post to remind everyone to use CCV, and two blogs will be chosen as examples. I will post a blurb from each blog, and a link back to the original blog.