Dead Island: Riptide

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Dead Island: Riptide Co-Op FAQ
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Dead Island: Riptide Co-Op FAQ

Splashy details.

Dead Island: Riptide might not feel like a full sequel, but it's not quite DLC level either. The game sits inbetween in terms of quality and content, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. So what can you expect in terms of the game's co-op capabilities?  Thankfully it's largely the same as the original game with a few minor enhancements like the ability to import your character.


  1. How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide locally (couch co-op)?
  2. How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide via system link or LAN?
  3. How do I enable LAN play?
  4. How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide online?
  5. How many players are supported in combo co-op?
  6. How do you begin a co-op session in Dead Island: Riptide?
  7. How does save game progress work for co-op play in Dead Island: Riptide?
  8. Can I join a game if the host is further along than me in Dead Island: Riptide?
  9. What happens when I import my character into a new game?


How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide locally (couch co-op)?

Dead Island: Riptide doesn't support local co-op play.


How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide via system link or LAN?

Up to four players.


How do I enable LAN play?

Under the options menu choose online and then change game visibility to say "System Link" or "LAN"


How many players can play Dead Island: Riptide online?

Up to four players.


How many players are supported in combo co-op?

Local play isn't supported, therefore combo co-op isn't possible.


How do you begin a co-op session in Dead Island: Riptide?

Co-Op play can happen a number of ways in Dead Island: Riptide. Players can choose to leave their world open and friends or other players can join. The game will also notify you if a player of similar progression is nearby and you can press a button to join. Or you can invite a friend to play via the in game menus, Xbox Live or PSN.


How does save game progress work for co-op play in Dead Island: Riptide?

All quest progress is saved to the player's respective character. Loot, money, experience is shared and instanced.


Can I join a game if the host is further along than me in Dead Island: Riptide?

Yes. Dead Island: Riptide automatically scales each player's instance to their own level as well.


What happens when I import my character into a new game of Dead Island: Riptide?

You can import your character as long as you have a previous save. Doing so keeps that character's current level and skill unlocks. Characters start at level 15, so you'll have a few things to unlock right from the get go if your character wasn't that level yet. You do not carry over any inventory.

