50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Two Bits about the new 50 Cent Game
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Two Bits about the new 50 Cent Game

Details have emerged about 50 Cent's new game, in what is likely the first time we here at Co-Optimus have linked to MTV.com.  The sequel to 50 Cents 2005 game "Bulletproof" will be entitled "Blood on the Sand".  The game is described as 'Gears of 50 Cent', referring to the fact that it runs on the Unreal 3 Engine, and features a main character, 50 Cent himself in this case, partnered with another character, which will be controlled by the computer, or by a friend online.  Drop in drop out co-op will be one of the game's highlights, as well.  It's not often you hear about a game described as a combination of Lego Star Wars, Gears, and "a 50 Cent box set", is it?  Hopefully this will sell a million copies and we will see other artists mixing and matching games to cash in too.  Personally, I'm holding out for 'Sir Mix-a-lot + TMNT: The Arcade Game + JRPG'.  However, if '50 Cent: Blood on the Sand' is more to your liking, you can expect it on 360 and PS3 this fall.

