Trine 2

  • Online Co-Op: 3 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 3 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Combo Co-Op
Trine 2 Co-Op Stream: Extremely Magical Puzzle Solving Part 3
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Trine 2 Co-Op Stream: Extremely Magical Puzzle Solving Part 3

We've got crabs.

Locke, Mike and Nick continue their adventures through Trine 2 - the co-op puzzle platformer out on PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U and Xbox 360. Every time we fire up the game to begin a stream it always starts the same way - "wow, this is gorgeous!" Perhaps the game's graphics are, but sometimes our brute force physics puzzle solving isn't exactly what I'd call beautiful.

You can check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the stream from those links and then watch Part 3 below. We're hoping to wrap up the game in our final stream sometime in the next week. Thanks for watching!



