Resident Evil: Revelations

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Bring Out Your Dead, Resident Evil:Revelations Coming to Xbox One and PS4
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Bring Out Your Dead, Resident Evil:Revelations Coming to Xbox One and PS4

Capcom looking behind their old game sofa again

How many Resident Evil games have there been?  If you take into account the main cannon, plus all the offshoots and then the remakes - too many to really care about.  One co-op version of the game was Resident Evil: Revelations and its being relaunched again; this time for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

The original version of the game came out back in 2012 on the 3DS only for it to get a HD update for the then current consoles and PC.  The game offers 2 player online co-op and there is no news yet whether this is the HD version released again or a mega HD HD version:

The game's co-op mode back in 2013 had a little to be desired. To find out more check out the Co-Optimus review from back in the day. Perhaps Capcom will develop the co-op this time round?



