
  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Two Personalities are Better than One in Our Schizoid Interview
Interview by 4

Two Personalities are Better than One in Our Schizoid Interview


Schizoid hit the Xbox Live Arcade this week, and it had one bold claim - "The Most Co-Op Game Ever."   After playing this last night for a few hours (co-op review coming soon) I must say there's some clever design decisions and slick level design that definitely reinforces co-op play.  The game was released awarded to the PAX 10, so we decided to dig further into the mind of Schizoid and head back to the source.

We had a little chat with the game's Technical Director and Lead Programmer Jamie Fristrom from Torpex Games to find out just what makes Schizoid a co-op fans dream. 

Read on for our full interview.

