's Blog


Forbidden Desert at PAX East

I was pleased to see an increase in boardgame love while attending PAX East this year. There were tons of games being demoed by the developers, and one of the games that caught my attention right away was Forbidden Desert. If the titles sounds familiar, chances are you've played Forbidden Island, the previous game from Gamewright. Forbi


CCV: BigBadBob113's Next Gen. Console Predictions

It's no secret that the next generation of consoles is on the way. Heck, they are kinda already here, if you count the Wii U as "next generation." Each generation does something to enhance the previous, and it's not just the visual/ graphics specs. When the 360 and PS3 launched we were introduced to the achievement/trophy


CCV: The Power (of DLC) is Yours

Companies are in the business of making money, and the video game industry is no different. The current-gen systems allow developers to expand their cash by offering additional content for an already released game, something that could not be done back in the Sega Genesis days. These video game big-wigs will try anything to make a buck off


CCV: Kickstarting a Gamble for Both Parties

I will admit that I am getting a bit sick of all the video game Kickstarter news. Double Fine thought outside the box to snag some extra funds, and it worked since they made a huge amount of money. Of course, it didn't hurt that the developer and the man behind the studio are both known for crafting excellent, high-quality games, so hel


CCV: I Sure as Heck Ain't Ready for Dem New-Fangled Consoles

Oh new consoles, how I loathe you. It's inevitable...eventually the current hardware just isn't up to snuff anymore as new technology comes out that can offer a better gaming experience. Every console has done it (except the poor Jaguar); the NES eventually developed into the Wii, the Genesis failed for the most part as the Saturn,


Ulterior Co-Oping: I'm Just in it For the Trophies

For starters, let's go with Marvel Pinball. It's a single player or competitive game where you, as the title suggests, play pinball. Now in the game there are a few trophies that are easy to snag if you have a little help from your friends. Now how can your friends help you in a single player game? Well, if I tried to explain it I w


Co-Op Peer Pressured Sales

The first culprit was Red Dead Redemption, which was released from Rockstar. Let me start by saying this: I hated Grand Theft Auto III and IV. I did not like the game engine, the combat system, the driving mechanics...I don't think I liked anything about it! Yet here I was pre-ordering Red Dead Redemption, which was basically GTA taking


CCV: Dead Island is My Co-Op Game of the Year

My overall "Game of the Year" is Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The amount of time you put into a game can be an excellent judge of how much you enjoy it, and I think the 85 hours I've put into Skyrim thus far more than speak for themselves. It's an excellent game that just offers the player so many options that the game seems t


CCV: No Collectors Editions For Me

Price: Probably the second thing stopping me from getting my hands on exclusive swag. Being an unemployed grad student, money is hard to come by. I really have to pick my game purchases carefully. With the Collectors Edition of a game costing more than the usual retail price I have no choice but to pass it up. 


CCV: Gaming Inside and Out.

To start off, let me say that this will not be about a "tradtional" video game, but rather an outdoor, interactive video game of sorts. Once the snow melts and the frigid air gives way to the spring, I'm going stir-crazy, and am just itching to get outside. Problem is that I need something to do...I need an objective. So