Running Co-Optimus is a tough task that requires lots of planning, organizing, brain power, and of course, gaming. To help keep everyone on the same page, we try to meet up every month for a staff meeting. As you might expect from our group, meetings are pretty laid back and plenty of laughs are shared.
Last night's meeting was more of the same. We started off with beer. Nick recently finished brewing his first batch of beer so he was enjoying a glass while the rest of us drooled on our keyboards. Once everyone joined up, we all said "hey" to Chris, our newest staff member, and officially started the meeting the same way we start our podcast... Whatcha been playin'? We rolled right into some talk about reviews and other business. I won't bore you with that stuff.
We got to talking about our video content and our YouTube channel. It was quickly pointed out that our video of Andrew playing Fruit Ninja Kinect did not have enough views. We made efforts to remedy this situation.
And then it degraded to something... I don't even know.
We then attempted to get back to business and talked about upcoming video content. Locke's been hard at work on several features, but one video in particular seemed to distract a few of us... mostly Tally. Let's just say there's a video coming up where two naked men keep getting invaded... Uh, yeah, I'll leave it at that. Poor Tally has to put up with all of us guys. At least she has a badass beard.
We got a lot accomplished, I swear! What? You don't believe me? Seriously, we did. I can't share everything with you, just the goofy off-topic stuff and maybe a few other tidbits. Fear not! Our plan is to shower you with quality reviews, features, news, love, and nude men. Err... maybe not the last two. Definitely not the last one.