Squeakers II

Co-Op Features in the Nintendo Switch Version
Popularity #3183

Core Features

Local Co-Op
4 Players
Online Co-Op
Not Supported
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
Not Supported

Co-Op Extras

  • Downloadable Only
  • Co-Op Specific Content

The Co-Op Experience

Up to four player can either decide to work all together or choose to compete with each other.


Squeakers is a multiplayer, cooperative game. It can provide fun up to four players. You can either decide to work altogether or choose to compete with each other. No matter the way, the goal is to build the tower as fast as you can to escape rising water. And oh! Don’t forget your cement mixer! It gives you bricks essential for your construction.

To make the gameplay trickier, the higher you get the more diversified bricks will get. Some of them simplify your work, another ones can ruin your well-cared for masterpiece.

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This page contains co-op info for Squeakers II on the Nintendo Switch. All information about Squeakers II was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


