Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Co-Op Features in the Nintendo Switch Version
Popularity #3710

Core Features

Local Co-Op
2 Players
Online Co-Op
Not Supported
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
Not Supported

Co-Op Extras

  • Downloadable Only
  • Co-Op Campaign

The Co-Op Experience

Take your alpaca to glory in solo career mode, or share the credit with the local two-player co-op!


GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! Play the craziest kind of soccer with the furriest alpacas around the world.

Block, ram your opponents and dive-kick your way to that dream goal!

Enjoy the frantic local multiplayer for up to 8 players.

Enjoy all the different arenas and stadiums inspired by famous locations such as South American Machu Picchu!

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This page contains co-op info for Alpaca Ball: Allstars on the Nintendo Switch. All information about Alpaca Ball: Allstars was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


