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Level 2

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CCV - My Co-op Crew

I'm curious now as I'm one of the most vocal guys I know. I talk a lot and I'm not sure that all my co-op partners like it, but so far no real complaints. I'm usually the assertive one giving orders and deciding what we'll do. Mostly its because I'll ask and everyone is too easy going to say what they want to I decide for them. But beyond that I'm just kinda a bossy guy in general. In all games I'm usually the conservative one, slowly walking the perimeter before advancing, looking for every nuance in the game and scoping all details. Some guys don't like this but most of my guys are good with it. 


What do I want in a game?

I've been trying to find a good balance. I only have a few gaming nights and occasional weekend afternoons to sneak in god console gaming.  I always tend to find myself with one or the other, and at the moment I have maybe 5 or 6 good co-op titles but not a single good solo game. I have enjoyed Dungeon Defenders due to the difference in play from the typical FPS or RPGs I usually play. 

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