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by Andrew Gaskill 1
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Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Has Even More DLC

Oh Capcom, why do you do this to us?  How much DLC can you put into the spin-off of a sequel?  Dead Rising 2: Off the Record came out less than a month ago, and it's already received a few downloadable outfits for our favorite zombie fighting photojournalist, Frank West.  These aren't just cosmetic accessories, each one includes some special abilities that improve upon Frank's already impressive survival skills.  They also cost two bucks apiece.  

by Andrew Gaskill 1
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Get Your Grill On with the New BBQ Chef Pack for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Lethal ketchup and mustard!  Do I need to say anything more?  The Dead Rising franchise is no stranger to bizarre costumes and powers, but this new downloadable outfit  for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is delightfully ordinary.  The Chef Skill pack let's fat Frank West dress up like your standard backyard BBQer.  As usual, the new gear will grant Frank new abilities.  He can kill a zombie with condiments, slice and dice the undead with new knife skills, or melt a face off with a red hot frying pan.  Check out the video.  Mmm.  Smells like bacon.  The Chef skill pack will run you $2 bucks, or 160 MSP.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Check Out Cyborg Frank West in this Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Video

Nice face, Frank.  If you're sick of looking at Frank West's ugly mug and want to get your Tetsuo: Iron Man on, you're in luck.  The Cyborg Skills Pack DLC was announced last week and is available NOW.  It gives you a sleek T-800 look and some nice electric effects like that lightning guy had in Big Trouble in Little China.   By the way, Frank is definitely probing a zombie at the end of the video.  Awesome?

by Tally Callahan 0
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Now you can fulfill your dream of killing zombies as a cyborg!

DR2: Off the Record Gets Cyborg Skills Pack DLC Next Week

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record will be receiving some DLC this coming week. It makes protagonist Frank West a cyborg. No, really: it's called the Cyborg Skills Pack. Apparently being a cyborg increases your melee damage, adds electricity bonus damage to your normal attacks, and increases all electrical appliance effects and damage, because that's what the Cyborg Skills Pack does. 

by Paul Acevedo 2
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PC version screenshot

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record PC Specs Now on the Record

Dead Rising 2 on PC was a great game, assuming you could run it well enough. The Windows port required some stiff system specs in order to perform well, which is important in a game that usually has about a million zombies on-screen at once. Capcom recently revealed the minimum system specs for the computer version of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, and not surprisingly, they are the same.

by Andrew Gaskill 6
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Chuck is Back In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Co-Op

For many of us, Capcom's announcement of the return of Frank West in DR2: OTR was greeted with a resounding sigh.  Apparently, our genuine lack of enthusiasm was misplaced.  Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is more than just a retail packaging of bloated DLC.  This new iteration has a host of improvements over the already excellent Dead Rising 2.  Best of all, you'll play as Chuck Greene when you join someone else's game.  Yay!  No more clones!

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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I loves me some Frank West.

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Trailer Feature New Combo Weapon, Is Ridiculous

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is coming out this October.  To celebrate we offer a festive new video featuring Frank West as he tries out one of the new combo weapons.  It's called the "Pegasus," and just like any decapitated plush unicorn, it positively radiates grace and majesty.  It appears to be a child's toy with some fireworks duct taped to it.   To operate, simply light the fireworks, then impale a zombie.  Kaaaaa-BOOM!  Also, Frank is apparently a leather daddy now.  You go, Mr. West!  I swear I could do image captures of DR2 and its many spin-offs all damn day.

by Andrew Gaskill 1
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Frank hates clowns, loves bunny slippers.

New Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Trailer is FAAAN-tastic

The latest Dead Rising 2: Off the Record video feature everyone's favorite photojournalist, Frank West.  He's pitching a new disposable camera and he's got some tips for aspiring photographers.  Dead Rising 2 had plenty of humorous moments, but Off the Record is looking like an all out comedy.  Those wacky zombie pictures!  What will they think of next?  I'm serious.  What the hell will they come up with?  Oooh!  Sweet alien mask at :52!  

by Andrew Gaskill 1
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New Trailer for Dead Rising: Off the Record Offers A Look Back at the Willamette Mall

WWFWD?  We're about to find out.  Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is coming to our gaming systems this October.  We'll be replaying much of Dead Rising 2 with doughy photojournalist Frank West.  He's no X Games reject like Mr. Chuck "Fancy Pants" Greene.  Insert a stupid joke about inserting an even stupider joke about covering wars here.  Screw wars!  He takes pictures of zombie erotica, dammit!  The game will feature new combo weapons, the camera PP system from Dead Rising, new missions, characters, and areas.  The latest video features about seven seconds of new game footage, but it's fun all the same.  I should note that since the game is not a full sequel, it will only cost $39.99.  But I'm not going to.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Coming this October, we've got the official release date plus a new video showcasing a car battery on a stick.

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record's Electrifying Release Date Revealed

Capcom has revealed the official release date for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, the alternate retelling of the second Dead Rising game featuring Frank West from the first Dead Rising game.  Got that?  Oh, right - the date.  October 11th on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC and it'll be $39.99 with two player online co-op.

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