This past week, our corner of the world (Southwest Missouri, USA) was hit by a pretty nasty ice/snow combo. Our school was closed, which meant that my whole family was "stuck" at home for four straight days. Don't you feel bad for me? As you can imagine, there was a lot of video gaming going on. The first priority was finishing off the campaign in Gears of War 2. However, we did that on the first day (and it was awesome, for sure). So, digging through the game drawer, we came upon another game we had only half-finished: Halo 3. And so, taking on the role of "Master Halo and the Alien Guy", as named by my seven year old, we embarked on the co-op quest.
You might be wondering how any self respecting gamer hasn't finished the fight by now. Well, let me explain. First of all, I'm not sure how respectable I am as a gamer anyway. Second, anytime we played Halo 3 before, I got weird motion sickness and splitting headaches after playing for about half an hour. For some reason, the game didn't affect me as much this time around. Maybe I'm just getting used to shooters, what with all my time spent in Left 4 Dead and Gears 2. Headaches or not, Halo 3 was the answer for keeping the snow days from becoming boring.