Perfect Dark HD

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Christopher Metz 1
  • xbox live arcade
  • couch
  • online
To know your co-op partner, you must know yourself first.

This Week in Co-Op: Finding a Middle Ground in Co-Op

Once again, my main co-op partner in crime, Richie, and I decided to switch things up from our usual routine and give a completely different game a go for once (we seldom break away from GTA Online or Awesomenauts these days). Since we couldn't decide on what to play, we tried to come to find a game that would satisfy both our likings. After much deliberation, we landed on an old favorite: Perfect Dark HD, mainly because we had the game sitting in our backlog for quite some time. Though I still don't know what happened to my original N64 cartridge of Perfect Dark, we both had downloaded the XBLA version (developed by 4J Studios) for an incredibly low price.

by Katrina Pawlowski 18
  • xbox live arcade

Perfect Dark HD Co-Op Review

If there’s anything gamers are guilty of, it’s nostalgia blindness. We love to replay the things that we played when we were younger gamers, but just how well do some games hold up to the test of time? We played Perfect Dark HD on the Xbox Live arcade, and put the Nintendo 64 classic to the test.

by Jim McLaughlin 12
  • xbox live arcade
  • couch
  • online

Perfect Dark XBLA Co-Op Only for Two Players, After All

The Co-Optimus staff doesn't have an overtly reputation for getting too far ahead of ourselves, although on occasion we're known to get excited about something that may have been too good to be true. In this case, we found a video that suggested there would be 8-player co-op in the Perfect Dark Xbox Live Arcade turns out that was the online multiplayer mode. Co-op is still online and offline, but limited to two players in each case.

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