• Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 2
  • iphone
  • couch
  • online

The Red Star to Bring Its Co-Op Revolution to PSP and iPhone [Update]

The Red Star was a co-op game for the PS2 that arrived late in the console's lifecycle, well after the next gen of consoles had hit the market, but that didn't stop it from being a thoroughly enjoyable beat 'em up/shoot 'em title that's worth playing.  Well XS Games, the game's publisher, recently announced that this gem of a co-op title will be given a new life on the PSP and iPhone "early spring 2010."  As a huge fan of both the game and the comic series it's based on, I'm excited that this game will see a new release on some other gaming platforms.  Hopefully it does well enough that an XBLA or PSN version won't be far behind.

by Jason Love 8
  • couch
  • online

This Week in Co-Op: The Red Star

Добро пожаловать (Welcome), comrades!  As Jim highlighted in last week’s “This Week in Co-Op,” sometimes a great co-op experience can be found lurking in the catalog of last gen’s titles.  So this past weekend I dusted off my copy of one such co-op title that was overlooked when it was released, The Red Star, and decided to give it a run through.  With my partner in tow, we stepped into an alternate Russia where two soldiers seek to put an end to a corrupt government being lead by a mystical, and evil, sorcerer known as Troika.

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