Sins of a Solar Empire

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
by Marc Allie 0
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Sins of A Galactic Empire

We don't typically report on mods for games that often, but every once in a while, something comes along that we have to share.  A rather... cinematic mod for Sins of a Solar Empire gives the game a Star Wars-themed makeover.  But the changes go beyond the cosmetic, with two new races, over two dozen new ships, character portraits, music, and lots more.  They even changed the color of ship lasers to match those in the films! 

by Jason Love 0
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Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity Pack Now Available

It seems like it was just yesterday when word of Ironclad Games' Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity pack reached our ears.  December and January have come and gone so fast, and now this all-in-one bundle is available for your co-op enjoyment at the reasonable price of $39.95 through Stardock's Impulse platform, or local retail outlets.  As we mentioned before this pack not only includes the full version of Sins of a Solar Empire, a title we rather enjoyed, but the two expansions - Entrenchment and Diplomacy - as well.  Trust us when we say, that's a lot of co-op gaming in one box, and a good way to spend a possible three-day weekend.

by Jason Love 1
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Sins of a Solar Empire Patched in Anticipation of Diplomacy Expansion

Diplomacy, Stardock's latest expansion to their popular 4X strategy game Sins of a Solar Empire, is slated to hit any day now.  In anticipation of its release, the company has released a patch that fixes a few known issues with the original game as well as the other expansion pack, Entrenchment.  Additionally, they've released a few more screenshots of Diplomacy that highlight some interesting new features of the expansion, including a new point system that's used for diplomatic relations, and new computer opponent difficulty levels.

by Nick Puleo 15
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Sins of a Solar Empire Co-Op Night

Space. The final frontier. To boldly blow up some bad guys with your co-op friends in beautiful glorious explosions. There's lasers, there's missiles, there's giant purple nebulae. It's our next Games for Windows Co-Op night and we're playing Sins of a Solar Empire. Plus..PRIZES. GIANT PRIZES!

by Nick Puleo 3
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Sins of a Solar Empire Co-Op Review

The PC is still the strongest platform when it comes to strategy titles, and a unique and incredibly deep title named Sins of a Solar Empire is no exception.  With nearly limitless possibilities at your fingertips and your friends by your side - there's plenty of strategy and fun to be had in this space sim.  But is it enough to satisfy our cooperative galaxy conquering cravings?  Read on to find out.

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