Spelunker HD

  • Online Co-Op: 6 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Combo Co-Op
by Andrew Gaskill 6
  • playstation 3
  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online

Over a Year Later, Spelunker HD Finally Arrives

Over a year ago we brought you news of Spelunker HD, the umpteenth re-release or re-imaging of the original Spelunker.  This game has been available in Japan for some time (over a year), so it's nice that it is finally making it stateside.  If you do not know what the word 'spelunker' means, do yourself a favor and ask the most mature, kind-hearted person you can find.  Do not ask me, for I am neither mature nor kind-hearted, and whatever you do, do not consult the Urban Dictionary, to which I have linked for some reason.  Don't do it.

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