Spider-man The Video Game

  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Marc Allie 0
Two webhead games are better than one

Co-Op Classics Video Edition: Webslinging with Spider-Man

In this installment of Co-Op Classics, we have two brand new retro videos for your entertainment. Tying in to the theater release The Amazing Spider-Man, we looked back through the old catalog for two co-op 90s brawlers. One was an arcade hit: 1991's Spider-Man the Video Game. The other was available on home consoles in 1995: Spider-Man & Venom Separation Anxiety.

by Marc Allie 2
Spider-Man and his not quite so amazing friends

Co-Op Classics: Spider-Man the Video Game

The past few years have given us Spider-Man games on an almost annual basis, including the recent Amazing Spider-Man movie tie in and the excellent Shattered Dimensions. Sadly, only one Spidey game in this console generation offered co-op: 2007's mediocre Friend or Foe. If we head back in time even further, we have to travel quite a ways until more co-op webslinging shows up, and one of these games is the topic of today's Co-Op Classics: Spider-Man the Video Game, which hit arcades in 1991.

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