The Beatles: Rock Band

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 3
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  • couch
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Get them now while supplies last

32 Songs Will be Removed from The Beatles: Rock Band Store

Licensing agreements are a tricky thing. Releasing licensed songs via some medium typically entails setting term limits for how long those songs can be sold. This is an issue that Harmonix first came across three years ago with content for their games, and it's still an issue today. On May 5, 2016, 32 songs from The Beatles: Rock Band will be removed from the store and will not be available for purchase again.

by Marc Allie 1
  • couch
  • online

The Beatles Rock Band Co-Op Review

The most famous band of all time gets the music game treatment.  How does The Beatles Rock Band hold up compared to its predecessors?  What about the three part harmonies?  Is the song list too short?  Find out in our "Fab" review!

by Nick Puleo 3
  • xbox 360

This Week in Co-Op: The Beatles Rock Band

After an exciting performance of "I want to Hold your Hand" out of Billy and the Co-Opticrew at PAX 2009, it was time for the band to break up and head their respective ways.  Sadly when I arrived home from the show there was no Beatles to be found in my house.  This simply did not sit well with my wife, and after several not so subtle hints - including her telling our 6 month old to ask me for game - it was time to trade in some games and pick up the Fab 4's videogame debut.

by Marc Allie 0
  • xbox 360
  • nintendo wii
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  • online

Co-Op Release Alert: The Beatles Rock Band, LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition

Two releases hit the shelves this week.  The first is a little game featuring some indie band called The Beatles, coming in various packages, with premium instruments, standard instruments, and even without instruments at all.  Of course, individual guitars are available too.  The second release is the Game of the Year edition of popular co-op title LittleBigPlanet.  This edition has lots of previous DLC content included, and also a dozen custom levels made by fans.  Plenty of good co-op action out there this week!

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