• Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
by Paul Acevedo 0
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Hop in sleek mechs and fight alongside friends to stop alien invaders!

VOIDCRISIS escapes from Early Access, Out Now on Steam

VOIDCRISIS, the mech-themed "tower offense" from HexaDrive, emerged on Steam Early Access a few months ago. After a string of updates, the game has finally graduated from Early Access and reached official launch status. As an online co-op focused title, VOIDCRISIS will still see regular updates for the foreseeable future. We played severa...

by Paul Acevedo 0
  • pc
  • online
Heroic mech pilots must fight alongside turrets in this tower defense action game.

Team Up as Mechs in VOIDCRISIS, Coming to Steam Early Access on August 3

Japanese developer HexaDrive has worked on plenty of games for big publishers, including titles like Super Bomberman R, Final Fantasy XV, and Okami HD. Now the studio is gearing up to unleash a PC game of its very own. VOIDCRISIS is a gorgeous "tower offense" game in which up to four players team up to pilot mechs and thwart mysterious alien invaders. It will launch on Steam Early Access at the beginning of August.

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