News | 8/12/2013 at 8:35 PM

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 8.12.2013

Let's do this.

When it rains, it pours, and it's pouring co-op games this week. We have dungeons, dragons, bank robbers, puzzle boxes, helicopter combat, and the big D makes the jump into Skylanders territory. Your wallets are about to be broken. 


Hammerwatch (PC)  This fantasy game is a pixel art throw back to the top-down hack and slash days of old. Four classes, thousands of enemies, one Castle Hammerwatch. 4 player local co-op, 4 player online co-op


Open Me! (VITA) It's an augmented reality puzzle game made possible by the techno-magic of the PS Vita. Manipulate the handheld and use touch controls to open a series of puzzle boxes. Other than unleashing flesh-peeling cenobite sex monsters, what could go wrong?  2 player local co-op

PAYDAY 2 (PS3,PC,360) It's like Heat. Remember the movie, Heat? Do you want to talk about it? No? Okay. --thanks to Jim Gaffigan. This game looks boss. Seriously. Pull off heists with your pals and upgrade your in-game dude's criminally cool skills. Get. That. Money. 4 player online co-op

Thunder Wolves (PSN) This couch co-op copter caper lets one player fly the choppa while another mans the guns. We thought the PC version was hellafun. I winced when I typed that.  2 player local co-op


Charlie Murder (XBLA) This badass beat'em up does almost everything right. How good is it? According to our own Nick Puleo, pretty damn good4 player online co-op, 4 player local co-op, combo co-op


Disney Infinity (360,PS3,Wii,WIIU) The insanely popular Skylanders series is about to get some high level competition. Disney is entering the plastic-toys-as-video-game-characters market. After indulging in two seasons of Skylanders, I think I'll sit this one out. Now if Hasbro throws their hat in the ring... 2 player local co-op, 4 player online co-op

The following games will be available from Amazon this week. If we missed anything be sure to let us know in the comments section. 

Europa Universalis IV Digital Extreme Edition (PC)
Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff (360, 3DS, DS, Wii)
Angry Birds Trilogy (Wii, 360, PS3, Wii U, 3DS)
Payday 2 (360, PS3, PC)
Disney Infinity (360, PS3, Wii U, Wii, 3DS)