News | 4/21/2014 at 8:15 AM

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 4.20.2014

The souls, they be dark - too.

There's not much this week on the co-op front, but a game a lot of folks have been looking forward to finally hits towards the end of the week. Can you guess what it is? 


Dark Souls 2 (PC) - The PC version of the game hits later this week via Steam and with it comes a port that is finally fully featured. While the last Dark Souls game took a modder to make run PC proper the new game have full resolution and detail options built right in. It's not the prettiest looking PC game, but it's a step above the date looking console versions. Be sure to read our review and FAQ. We'll have some PC impressions later this week.  [3 player online co-op]


The rest of the releases, looking pretty light. Did we miss anything?

Demon Gaze (Vita) Putty Squad (Vita, PS4) Trials Fusion (PC, XONE, PS4)


*Image Courtesy of PCGamer.