News | 1/25/2009 at 9:28 AM

Beyond Co-Op - January 17th through January 24th

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Pardon the lateness of this week's beyond co-op column.  Things are a bit hectic around Co-Optimus HQ.  I think our espresso machine is on the fritz. 

Here are some of the stories you may have missed this week in the gaming industyr.

-  Bioware Releases new screens and concept art for The Old Republic

-  Madden NFL 09 Predicts Pittsburg as this Year's Superbowl Winner

-  Peggle coming to iPhone and Xbox Live First Half of 09

-  New Uncharted 2 Screenshots


Bioware Releases New Screens and Concept Art for "Old Republic"

Old Republic is the MMORPG Star Wars game that fans have been clamoring for, for years.  Bioware, makers of the hits RPG "Knights of the Old Republic" sure have the talent to pull it off.  

Source:  Joystiq


Madden NFL 09 Predicts Pittsburg Steelers as Superbowl XLIII Winner

Every year EA Sports runs the Maddens simulation of the biggest NFL game.  They have a surprisinlgy good track record at predicting the winner, with the only wrong prediction in the past 5 years being last year's Giants win over New England.  This year Madden predicts Pittsburg in a 28-24 win.  What's your prediction?

Source: IGN


New "Uncharted 2" Screens

Uncharted is the game you need to own a PlayStation 3 for.  It absolutely ooozes personality and has solid gameplay.  Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is set to come out this year sometime and the folks at Naughty Dog have released some fine looking new screens. 

Source: PS3 Fanboy


Peggle to hit iPhone and Xbox Live Arcade early this Year

Peggle is one of those games that are incredibly addictive for unknown reasons.  You'll sit there bouncing the little balls till your eyeballs bleed.  Pretty soon the game's reach will hit mobile and arcade platforms.  We've heard a rumor that XBLA version may have a co-op mode in it, so we'll keep you posted.

Source: Wired