News | 1/27/2009 at 8:11 PM

Ruffian Games to Focus on Cooperative Multiplayer Gaming

Congratulations Ruffian Games!  You may have just become's new favorite development house!  If the name of the studio sound familar, that's because we talked about them during our Crackdown 2 rumor spree a month back.

Now things are official, and more talent from the studio has been unveiled.  To say things show promise is an understatement.  Members of the studio have games like Fable 2, Grand Theft Auto, Crackdown, Too Human, Moto GP, and Project Gotham Racing on their resume.  Impressive to say the least.

And now for the rumor portion of our post.  According to the official website Ruffian is already signed on with "one of the world's biggest and most successful publishers."  Better yet?  They are already hard at work on the project.  Crackdown 2?  Perhaps.  Whatever it is it sounds like there will be some great co-op - so we'll be keeping a close eye on these ruffians.  OH!  I get it.