News | 12/12/2014 at 10:00 AM

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Gets Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, New DLC

Level cap increases are always fun.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has finally received a third playthrough mode for people who just can't get enough moon hopping on Elpis. The free update releases for Xbox 360 on December 11, while PS3 and Steam users get their Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode on December 16. To Marcus' to celebrate!

Everything scales up according to your level for the new playthrough, including enemies, bosses and that tasty, tasty loot. All you have to do is complete True Vault Hunter Mode and reach level 50, then reset your progress from the main menu. Gearbox detailed some of the numbers for UVHM on a recent blog post:

Regular enemies receive a 1.5x health multiplier and 1.5x shield multiplier Badass enemies receive a 2.5x health multiplier and 3.5x shield multiplier Enemies are more likely to drop ammo Enemies and chests will give you better gear than in other playthroughs Elemental weapons will be more effective, as will gear with elemental resistance

Pairing up with this release will be the second downloadable add-on, Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack: The Holodome Onslaught, releasing December 16/17 for all systems. This DLC bumps the level cap to 60 and adds a new challenge arena along with new weapons, enemies, class mods and customization options. Nothing like a little moon shooting to celebrate the holiday season, right?