News | 4/30/2009 at 10:27 AM

The Beatles Rock Band Bundle Contents Revealed

Remember when the pricing was revealed for the bundled version of The Beatles Rock Band?  Many people were surprised at the price, $250, quite a bit more than other music game bundles.  Well, we now know the reason for the increase: there's quite a bit more in the box.

Officially dubbed The Beatles Rock Band Limited Edition Premium Bundle, the pack will include:

The Beatles: Rock Band software Höfner Bass controller: Large scale replica of Paul's Bass Beatles-inspired and Ludwig-branded Rock Band 2 drums with classic pearl finish and vintage replica Beatles kick drum head Microphone Microphone Stand
And of course, "additional special content".  So, for the extra dough, you get a bigger, more realistic guitar, different colored drums, with a neat-o keen drum head, and a microphone stand.  Whether that justifies the premium cost or not is debatable.  Personally, I'll be content with the software, but I can definitely appreciate the cool factor of the bundle!