News | 1/31/2025 at 8:00 AM

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Physical Editions Coming in May

Physical editions of the nostalgic beat 'em up will be released for PlayStation 5 and Switch.

Digital game releases are the primary distribution model for indie games, but that doesn't mean that some gamers don't want physical versions. Those guys like to look at their cases on the shelf, you know! And some of them will be pleased to learn that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind from Digital Eclipse and Atari will be getting physical releases on May 30. I say "some" because only the PlayStation 5 and Switch versions will get physical releases. Everybody else will need to grab the game digitally.

The physical editions of Rita's Rewind will be released in standard ($34.99) and deluxe editions. The deluxe edition ($49.99) includes a special retail box and cover, Steelbook case, poster, a 3D lenticular postcard, and individual pixel art collectible Power Ranger cards. Preorders are available from Atari and will also be available for PlayStation 5 and Switch at Amazon.

In Rita's Rewind, Robo Rita travels back in time to team up with the original Rita. Only the original Power Rangers, who have just gained their powers, can stop the terrible twosome. Players choose the Ranger of their choice and then battle the Ritas' army in beat 'em up, driving, and Zord stages. The game's pixel art is gorgeous, and some stages even feature beautiful "super-scaler" 3D effects. Local co-op supports up to 6 local players (depending on the platform), and online co-op supports two consoles with up to three players on each console. For more details, see our full co-op review!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind sells digitally for $34.99 on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and Steam. The Steam version is fully Steam Deck compatible.