News | 6/9/2009 at 3:36 PM

Ghostbusters 360 Not Region Locked, Europeans Rejoice

Remember when Sony bought Ghostbusters game exclusivity in the European region, thereby locking out Xbox 360 owners from getting their hands on the title until later this year?  Yeah, that sucked worse than a Slimer bath.  

But there's good news today as it's been discovered that the Xbox 360 version of the game, shipping in North America next week, is not region locked.  What does that mean?  If you can find the game from a NA retailer and get it shipped to your home country - wherever that may be - you can play Ghostbusters on the Xbox 360 on June 16th with the rest of the world!

Exclusivity Shmusivity!  On a similar note, look for a unique and exclusive Ghostbusters contest here very...VERY soon.