News | 7/31/2008 at 11:17 AM

July Co-Op Monthly Round-Up

July was a busy month, ya know, with E3 and all.  So there's plenty of stuff you might have missed.  Check it out!

Co-Op Classics:

Justice Leage Heroes Co-Op Classics: Terminator 2: Judgement Day Diablo II, Lego Indy, and Ben 10 ("This Week" Edition) Gauntlet Legends and Gauntlet Dark Legacy

This Week in Co-Op:

Halo - the original and still the best. ToeJame and Earl - funky funky. Gears of War - Wait..wait..wait...a chainsaw AND a gun?


Schizoid - are you mental? N+ - The plus means it's extra good.

The Good:

Co-Optimus Hands on Co-Op Games E3 Wrap-Up - we braved LA just for you! A Chaotic Cavalcade of Castle Crashers Certainties Come Close - Coming August 27th! Upcoming Aliens Game Penned by Battlestar Galactica Writers - hopefully with Tricia Helfer. Resident Evil 5 Co-Op Impressions from E3 - zombie slaying with friends. Gears of War 2 Horde Mode Hands on Impressions from E3 Co-Op Gaming Becomes Mainstream at E3 2008 - co-op becomes popular and forefront. Left 4 Dead: Hands on Impressions and Video - don't shoot the car alarm. Fable 2 Sports Seemless Online Co-Op - certainly unique. Sacred 2 Hands on Co-Op Preview Two Personalities are Better than One in Our Schizoid Interview - are they mental too? Diablo 3 Screens and Info - DIABLO 3!!!!!!!!!!

The Bad:

Geometry Wars 2 Doesn't Have Online Co-Op - dissapointing... Diablo 3 Has Too Many Rainbows - ok, not really bad, but funny Too Human Too Short? Hands On Previews Galore - previewers like headlines


1942: Joint Strike (XBLA | PSN) Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Unreal Tournament 3 (360)