News | 6/25/2010 at 2:32 AM

The Scourge Project is a Little Better Now

Although it critically bombed (at least, it did as far as we're concerned), The Scourge Project was a nice idea wrapped up in pretty visuals and slow-cooked over smart gameplay. It was marred by some nasty game-breaking tech issues, and Tragnarion Studios is working hard to hash out whatever bugs they can.

Their second and most recent patch was released on Steam this week; if you were one of the many who bought the game in good faith, it should automatically update. If you haven't bought it yet, though, don't stop reading - until July 2nd you can pick up The Scourge Project for $4.99 USD (€4.99 / 4.99GBP) on Steam, thanks to Tragnarion's 10 Days Summer Sales Deal. No matter the game's reception here at Co-Optimus, five bucks is a tempting price for any game as stylish as this one.

Below are the full patch notes.

·         Echo AI General improvements.

·         Echo AI navigation improvements.

·         Teleport problem with someone incapacitated experienced by some client.

·         Crash when spamming the “E” key to enter and exit a stationary weapon.

·         No auto team selection in multiplayer when coming from a Deathmatch server and entering a server with team based matches.

·         Skipping system for Action Mode.

·         Substitution of the metadata info from some servers in the server browser.

·         Other minor fixes and improvements.

·         Some character deformations experienced by some client in checkpoints 1 and 4 from level 3.

·         Sound issues with the dropship experienced by some client.