Video | 6/28/2010 at 9:21 AM

Reggie Joins Jimmy Fallon for some Co-Op Donkey Kong Country Returns

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Jimmy Fallon has been doing an amazing job of promoting technology and gaming to the mainstream since he took over the Late Night Show.  The entire past week was devoted to video games has a post E3 celebration of sorts and on Friday Jimmy had Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aime on the show.

The clip starts out with a little co-op Donkey Kong Country Returns action (Jimmy is of course Diddy) - and then Reggie whips out the big guns by showing Jimmy the 3DS.  "You've done it," Fallon proclaims has Reggie crushes the dreams of kids everywhere by stating the system will be out in 2011.  

It's unclear yet if DKR is coming out this year, but it was good to see some co-op gameplay of Donkey Kong Country Returns - and watching Jimmy try to mount Reggie is worth the price of admission.