News | 8/28/2008 at 9:19 PM

Wanna Watch a 10 Second Tidbit of Aliens: Colonial Marines?

If you're anything like me, you love the Aliens series of movies.  However, the most recent entries aren't nearly as cool as the first two (or three depending on who you talk to).  It's only natural, then, to be curious about upcoming co-op shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines.  Perhaps in video game form, the Aliens franchise can return to its former glory.  After watching a video showing a quick ten seconds of footage from the game, we think that there is, indeed, hope.  Shacknews has the video, featuring a nice burst of acid blood and the classic handheld motion detector.  Let's hope Gearbox, the developer, does this game up right and we don't have to nuke them all from orbit (it's the only way to make sure).