News | 9/16/2010 at 12:46 PM

Gears of War 3's Beast Mode PAX 2010 Shaky Cam Footage

We've got some fresh footage of Gears of War 3's co-op Beast Mode from the Penny-Arcade Expo.  Sure it's a little late, and it might be a bit blurry and/or shaky - but it's GEARS man.  Gears of Friggin War!  You have no idea how many Bothans died to bring us this footage, after all, they had Mark Rein as the bouncer!

Remember, Beast Mode allows you to take control of the Locust against AI controlled CoGs.  It's a bit like Horde, but in reverse.  Check out our E3 2010 hands on for more info, and then check it out the video below and let us know what you think.  

Thanks again to Locke Vincent for grabbing the footage for us!