News | 9/10/2008 at 11:49 AM

Good Old Games? More like Good Old Co-Op Games!

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The preview beta for Good Old Games started this week, and after combing through their list of available (or soon to be available) titles,  we have discovered several classic PC titles with co-op modes!  All games on the service are sold DRM-free at very reasonable prices, and have been updated to work with XP and Vista.

Co-Op Titles:

Descent 3 Descent: Freespace Freespace 2 Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader Operation Flashpoint (Coming Soon) Shattered Steel

Other Titles of Note:

Fallout Fallout 2 Giants: Citizen Kabuto MDK MDK2 Shogo: Mobile Armor Division

Pretty much every title on this list will set you back $5.99, so you can get a lot of bang for your gaming buck.