News | 12/9/2010 at 9:45 AM

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Officially Revealed

Naughty Dog have taken the wraps off the sequel to Uncharted 2, and despite the rumors, its not subtitled World of Deceit.  Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is likely  to launch next year exclusively on the PlayStation 3, this time the story follows Drake as he searches for a legendary lost city on the Arabian peninsula.  It looks like the rumors were correct - there's going to be some sand in your shorts as deserts play a big role in the setting of the game.

But deserts won't be the only locale, true to the Uncharted formula, Drake will travel around the world with his father figure and mentor Sully.  It seems that this relationship is going to be the central dynamic in the game.  Being a duo - this makes us think co-op...but will Uncharted 3 have co-op?

Naughty Dog's President Evan Wells revealed to Entertainment Weekly that a lot of the development time is being focused on expanding Uncharted 3's online versus and co-op modes.  So while it sounds like, at the very least, we'll get a return to the co-op found in Uncharted 2 - we could see some extension of that.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for some sort of story based co-op in Uncharted 3, but as of now, its unconfirmed.  The first trailer for the game will be unveiled this Saturday at the SpikeTV VGAs.  Co-Optimus will be on site to bring you live, up to the minute coverage, and perhaps - get some info out of Naughty Dog on their title.