News | 1/11/2011 at 6:10 PM

Diorama Plus Sappy Music Equals Awesome Bulletstorm: Last Call Trailer

Could I get a little less melted face with my hotdog?

Remember that Halo 3 trailer that got you all pumped up with the mood music and the sweet diorama?  You know, this one?  I know sweet dioramas are hard to come by, but the flying people at developer People Can Fly have a new trailer out for Bulletstorm, and it has hotdogs!  I'm pulling my Transformers out of storage right now so I can slowly pan through them to the tune of O Fortuna.  And you know I'm rolling G1.  Get that Michael Bay noise out of here.  Anyway, check out the trailer.  Apparently People Can fly is run by five year olds.  Which is pretty cool, if you're a five year old.

Bulletstorm hits store shelves February 22 and will have a four player online co-op mode.  Xbox 360 owners who secure an Epic edition will have access to the Gears of War 3 beta.  

Thanks to for the video.