So you logged onto the PlayStation Store and you're ready to buy Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2. You're all excited about playing some couch co-op with your friend/sibling/parent/child/significant other/pet. Now you just hope your crappy cable connection can hold on long enough to get the game downloaded. Not only that, you're getting it a full day before those Xbox jerks. Huzzah. Then something catches your eye.
What the...what? Bah! Accursed DRM! What's DRM you ask? After extensive Googling and a trip to the Urban Dictionary, DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, or as I said when I saw the screen, "Dang, Really Man?" Except there are a lot more f's, c's, and k's the way I said it. DRM is term for technologies that regulate the way a consumer can use digital content. It's a huge deal. The mere fact that you're actually reading an article about video games on this website means that you should have been exposed to some form of DRM, or at least some jerk like me whining about it. Basically, Sony wants to make sure that you are not pirating BC: Rearmed 2, or any of their games. Type "PS3 hack" into Google and see what happens. Yeah, Sony doesn't like that.
Remember, BC: Rearmed 2 supports local co-op only, so there is no technological reason to be connected to the internet once the game is downloaded. Due to Sony's DRM you have to be connected to the internet even if you want to play a single player game. The DRM debate is ongoing, and won't be resolved in a tiny BC: Rearmed 2 article . What it means to me, and you, if you're a Bionic Commando fan, is that you have to be tethered to a digital babysitter every time you want to play. Unless you have an Xbox 360. No such warning appeared for Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Huzzah, indeed.