News | 2/7/2011 at 3:06 PM

Bulletstorm Bonuses via EA Store and Facebook

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PC gamers who preorder the Bulletstorm Limited Edition from the EA Store will recieve a free digital copy of  Shank.  The offers begins today, February 7th, and it is available until Bulletstorm's release date, February 22. We gave Shank, a stylish side-scrolling brawler, a 3 out of 5 in our Co-Op review.  

In other Bulletstorm news, "Duty Calls," the free downloadable PC  spoof of Call of Duty, was downloaded 1.25 million times.  As a "Thank You" the Bulletstorm Facebook page is giving away some free wallpapers. Bulletstorm has previoulsy mocked the Halo franchise.  I hope the next gaming juggernaut to be tackled by the Bulletstorm spoof machine is something Nintendo based, maybe Pokemon or Mario.  They seem to be targeting popular hard-core shooters, so this seems unlikely. Sad face.

Bulletstorm is scheduled for a February 22 release.  It is available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and the PC.