News | 9/19/2008 at 11:00 PM

E3 Left 4 Dead Presentation Unleashed onto the Interwebs

The crew at Left 4 Dead 411 have received a pretty epic (exclusive) video from Valve. The video is a 10 minute HD video about the making of Left 4 Dead. The video was originally only viewable at E3, but fortunately, Valve is deciding to let it loose upon the interwebs. The ten minute video is narrated by Gabe Newell and also features an extended version of the E3 trailer. For those of you looking for the highlights of the video, L4D 411 has kindly located them for you. Some of the more interesting ones are:


2:00 - Gas station encounters showing off AI Director

3:20 - Never before seen video showing off monster AI (breaking down walls)

6:10 - Flashlights revealing player state, shooting some infected in slow-mo


They also have a standalone video of the extended trailer. So, anyone else chomping at the bit for Left 4 Dead's upcoming demo?