News | 2/17/2011 at 5:58 AM

Witness Survivor Guilt with the New Trailer for PixelJunk Shooter 2

See those two little ships?  That's co-op that is.

Computer games are often told from the perspective of the brave, the noble, the worthy.  As gamers, we place ourselves in the bodies of strong men and women; often bald and often space marines.  But what of the people we save?  How did these survivors feel leading up to the moment of their rescue as they stared death in the face?

PixelJunk hope to solve this quandary with the newest trailer for their upcoming PSN title PixelJunk Shooter 2, the sequel to the 2 player co-op twin-stick shooter that we gave a worthy 3.5 out of 5.  The main criticism we had with the first game was that, although co-op was fun, it did not feel integral to the game.  Perhaps the sequel could have levels designed to encourage more teamwork?   

The trailer shows an interview with Naopi Kimuta an ore miner who was saved by one of the PixelJunk ships.  He describes being trapped underground as well as his opinion on cheese.  For those people who are more interested in seeing new footage of the game, rather than cheese based information, check out the end of the trailer for some Shooter action.