News | 9/24/2008 at 4:03 PM

Call of Duty: World at War Beta FAQ posted a World at War beta FAQ in the Intel section yesterday, which provides a few juicy new details on the private beta. We already know that the beta starts in October, sometime before the game's ship date of November 11th.

We encourage you to register at the official site and sift through the FAQ yourselves, but the tidbits relevant to co-op are posted after the jump link, including tips on how to get in.


People interested in joining the beta in the U.S. can join one of two ways:

Guarantee a spot by pre-ordering the game through GameStop or Getting first-crack at a token by heading to and signing on as a new community member. Remember, space is limited so the earlier you register, the more likely you’ll get a token.


To reward the most dedicated CoD fans, the order of distribution on is as follows:

Charlie Oscar Delta members who migrated their accounts over to members
( members will be prioritized by they date in which they joined The longer they’ve been a member, the better chance they have of getting a Beta Token.)


The Xbox 360 and PC environments will provide the feedback that we need to make any back-end technical modifications to the co-op and multiplayer features...


Unfortunately for Playstation 3 owners, that last quote was lifted from context: there will not be a Playstation 3 beta. The good news is that whether or not there will be co-op gameplay included in the beta test, Treyarch seems dedicated to giving co-op the same attention and care as the multiplayer versus modes.

Yours truly is a legacy member, having transferred from the late, this means that I'll be able to participate and post my impressions.

I'm excited. But I'm not a fanboy.