News | 4/28/2011 at 1:03 PM

Co-Optimus Announces New Xbox Live Indie Games Section

The latest entry in the Indie-Ana Co-Op series brought with it a special announcement. As longtime fans of the site know, we've covered quite a few indie titles over the years; whether it was through the Indie-Ana Co-Op feature or other avenues, we've always been on the lookout for solid co-op experiences that we can bring to the forefront of the gaming community.

To that end, the time has come to add a new Xbox Live Indie Games section to our database of co-op games! Now you'll have a quick reference to all of the indie co-op games on XBLIG that the Co-Optimus staff has either personally played, covered, and tried in some fashion. This means that the games on the list are there for more than "just having co-op"; they're there because we on the staff have enjoyed them and think you should, too!

But wait, there's more...

This new games page for Xbox Live Indie Games is just the first step in what we hope will become a more expansive indie games section for Co-Optimus. We've had the pleasure to interview a few indie developers here at the site, and we'd like to do more. We'd like to here from all of you indie developers out there and not only ask you some grilling questions about your game, but also provide you a forum to discuss your views and thoughts on co-op games, game development, and the industry in the form of a op-ed piece. So, if you're interested and want to be a part of this, let us know by e-mailing so we can work out the details. We're very excited about this and hope you all in the co-op community are too!