News | 6/17/2011 at 7:13 PM

Our Weekend In Gaming: Post E3 Exhaustion

It's been a couple weeks since we last ran this segment, as last weekend, we were frantically wading through the post-E3 news onslaught.  The tide has slowed down a bit, and it's time to put up our feet and take it easy with some games for the weekend.  There's a huge variety in store for Co-Optimus staffers in the next few days!

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I plan on playing some more Jamestown on the PC and Trenched on XBLA for review."


Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "We're beginning a road trip this weekend, so it will be portable games for the most part.  I'm planning to get through the second Professor Layton in the next week, plus maybe check out the Atari collection for iPad."

Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "I'll be splitting my time between The Witcher 2 and Alice: Madness Returns."

Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "I'm playing through the Splinter Cell: Conviction campaigns on 'Realistic'."


Katrina "Shadokat Regn" Pawlowski - "Red Johnson's Chronicles and some Uncharted for me as I continue to recover from E3 sars."

Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "I beat Demon's Souls earlier this week, so it's time to move on to other games... Nah, I'm just kidding.  I'm going to crush Demon's Souls NG . Wait, what?  Did the Tower Knight just one-shot me?!  I thought I had Second Chance on!  Seriously?!?  Oh, it is ON! 

To save my sanity, I'll be peppering in some Trenched, Alice, Operation Flashpoint Red River, and M to the G to the D-O-T-P 2012, y'all!  Is that not how we're saying it?  Fine. Be that way."

Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "To celebrate a combination of Duke Nukem being released and my reluctance to spend any money, I will be co-opping my way through Duke Nukem 3D XBLA with a couple of pals.  Come get some!"

Jason "Origami Panther" Love - "I, too, shall be engaging in some Jamestown on the PC along with a little more inFamous 2."

What are your weekend plans?