News | 10/8/2008 at 1:16 PM

Patapon 2 Co-op Mode Explained

I'll admit it: I've owned a PSP - a launch model. For the most part, it was fun and had a decent library of games; and this was well before the Playstation Store was live. I sold it before Christmas last year as half of a deal that ultimately landed me an Xbox 360 Pro.

Unfortunately, this means that I've missed out on some impressive games, such as Patapon, and for that reason, I've been mulling over whether or not to buy a PSP-3000 when it releases this November. Sony must know this, because they've added a co-op mode to Patapon 2, currently in development. As if I wasn't already inticed by the PSP-3000's screen glare fix and built-in microphone, now they have to make more triple-A titles for it...sheesh.

Patapon designer Hiroyuki Kotani explained to how the 4-player co-op mode works in his sequel. You can read the interview at the source link below or by clicking here.