If you've been wondering why the prices for Guitar Hero: World Tour were so high on RedOctane's official site, wonder no longer. Joystiq reports that the pricey listings are for a bundle including some additional swag, such as a T-Shirt and a guitar bag. The recommended prices for the non-swag versions of the game will be as follows:
$190 for the full band kit on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii.
$180 for the full band kit on PS2.
$100 for the guitar/game bundle on Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii.
$90 for the guitar/game bundle on PS2.
This puts the Guitar Hero: World Tour bundle at the same cost as the Rock Band 2 bundle. Both of these will be released later this month. Personally, I'm hoping I can resist the temptation of purchasing the GH:WT drumset by itself, if they ever make it available that way. Rhythm gaming... it's so expensive!