News | 8/21/2011 at 8:07 AM

Resistance 3 Trophies, Color Palette Revealed

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There’s a lot to look forward to in Insomniac’s upcoming Playstation 3-exclusive FPS Resistance 3. For instance, the color brown! So much brown, the only way to express it in words is through song. But once gamers become accustomed to the superbrown, they’ll also have a whopping 59 Trophies to earn. The Playstation Blog recently published the entire Trophy list, which is full of spoilers and mildly clever commentary.

Continue reading for a silly music video and more Trophy details.

Note: This video comes from IGN, not the Playstation Blog, but I wanted to include it here anyway.

Here are Insomniac Community Intern Brandon Winfrey’s favorite Trophies:

Master Mechanic – Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode (Silver).

This makes me all giddy because it takes me back to my Ratchet roots. I spend hours fully upgrading my colorfully destructive arsenal upon every new Ratchet & Clank release, and now I can finally do it in the Resistance universe. Except this time, there’s tons of blood. Yayz!

Nothing But Net – Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop (Bronze).

I’m not the biggest basketball fan, but maybe I would be if they used live grenades instead of rubber balls. However, since I don’t know of a health care plan that covers “grenade dunks,” this Trophy will have to suffice for the time being.

Silent Partner – Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills (Silver)

Did you hear that you can play through Resistance 3’s campaign cooperatively? No? Well, congratulations because now you have! Why don’t you celebrate by working with your co-op partner to take down 100 Chimera together? That’s at least 20 percent cooler than taking them down alone.

Slaybells – Make Santa and his reindeer fly (Bronze)

I don’t care what my psychologist tells me – Santa is real. Who else would eat my cookies? I’m an awful baker. Knowing he is real is what makes this trophy so hard to get. Let’s just say you don’t make him fly by singing songs of holiday cheer. Sorry, Santa. Can I still get a PS Vita for Christmas?

Brutal – Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman (Gold)

I love this Trophy because I helped balance the Superhuman difficulty. I played it – it was really, really hard. My feedback? Make it harder. Have fun, kiddoes! Muahaha!

For the full list, check out the Playstation Blog.