Video | 8/23/2011 at 2:47 PM

Motion Trackers Reveal a new Trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines

*PING* *PING* *PING* - New Trailer is IN THE ROOM!

Well this certainly doesn't suck. The new Aliens: Colonial Marines trailer actually looks quite stupendous. The atmosphere and sound are perfect. We even get a glimpse of a Power Loader and an Alien Queen. Looks like Gearbox wants to remind everyone that all their efforts aren't just going to Borderlands 2.

Aliens: Colonial Marines will be out Spring of 2012 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. It will support four player online co-op.  Check out our E3 preview for more impressions - something we hope to bring you more of from PAX 2011 this week.