Here it is folks. The tsunami of video game goodness that is the fall release schedule is crashing down upon us. Either we will drown in all the co-op goodness, or we will manage to hang ten, ride the big kahuna, or otherwise stretch a metaphor. The big releases all make appearances on the staff list this week, but the twin titans, Dead Island and Space Marine are everywhere you look. So grab a boltgun and watch out for that zombie!
Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "Resistance 3 for me as well as trying to wrap up Dead Island...both in Co-Op of course."
Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "I will be bathing in the blood of Orks in Space Marine. I was actually giggling while playing it last night."
Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Still waiting for all my stuff to arrive, but I have my DS and PSP to keep me company until then!"
Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - ""I'll most likely stick with Driver: San Francisco all weekend. Seriously. That game is rocking my socks.""
Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "I'll be playing Dead Island and Space Marine. I just got a second copy of Dead Island for my wife, so it is ON! I beat the Space Marine single player campaign too quickly, so I may have to double dip. The multiplayer versus mode is just as addictive and fun as I remember. I wish I could squish these two games together for a 50 hour power-armored zombie kill-a-rama. Someone make that game!"
Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "I'll be delving further into Dead Island this weekend."
Paul "EastX" Acevedo - "Finishing off Ugly Americans and starting on Leedmees this weekend. Also, ice cream!"
Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love - "I'm hoping to be playing Dead Island and Space Marine, provided they arrive at my doorstep today. Otherwise, I'll be replaying Deus Ex: Human Revolution and doing my best to keep my head above water."
Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "I'm away for a party, party, party for the weekend, so not much gaming for me. When I get back I hope to start Gatling Gears and Hunted: The Demon Forge; two games I have just bought."
What are your gaming plans?